Making Romanian Finance Sustainable
We are an impartial knowledge platform. We encourage action on sustainability issues in Romanian and Central Eastern European financial services.
For downloading our latest White paper "Romania's roadmap to a greener fianancial system" please click the button below and let's keep in touch!
About RoSIF
The Romanian Sustainable Investment and Finance Association is an apolitical, nonprofit organisation that promotes sustainable institutional investment decision making in Romania and Central Eastern Europe.
Led by academics and practitioneers, ROSIF offers deep expertise on responsible investment for the benefit of current and future generations. We bring together people who are passionate about achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for a resilient planet and economy. We want to create a financial system that is environmentally and socially sustainable in the long term.
From European Sustainable Finance regulation to international best practices, we make sustainable finance developments accessible to a wide range of stakeholders.
We provide content through regular events, webinars, blog posts and articles on responsible investment research.
We work with the research community to provide deep insights into the emergence of sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) in Romania and track its progress with data-driven insights.
We maintain a close dialogue with all industry players: asset owners, asset managers, stock exchanges, banks, NGOs and regulators to promote the robust and systematic implementation of sustainable finance in Romania.